Spotted Gum

Spotted Gum is durability class 1 for use in above-ground applications and class 2 for in-ground contact. Spotted Gum has a wide band of sapwood that is not durable, however it readily accepts either CCA or ACQ preservative treatments which increase durability of the sapwood to class 1 or 2.

Spotted Gum machines well and readily accepts paint and polish. It has a lower tannin content than most other eucalyptus species so is less likely to cause problematic tannin stains.

Spotted Gum is used unseasoned as sawn or in round timbers in wharf and bridge construction and other outdoor infrastructure projects. It can be used as seasoned timber for cladding, internal and external flooring, lining and decking.

Get in touch

Australian Timber Wholesalers specialise in Spotted Gum. Please contact us with any questions you have.

Email us or call (03) 8794 8458